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Hama Clé USB "Smartly",USB 2.0, 32 GB, 10MB / s, noir


Capacité mémoire

64 GB 32 GB 16 GB 8 GB
  • Détails Techniques
    Design (Couleur, Style, Motif, Série)
    Couleur Noir
    Couleurs disponibles Noir
    Ligne Smartly
    Connecteur Prise USB Type A
    Standard USB USB 2.0
    Taux de Transfert 10 MB/s
    Propriétés spécifiques
    Capacité mémoire 32 GB
    Taux de transfert (lecture) 10 MB/s
    Caractéristiques techniques
    Matière Plastique
    Hauteur 21 mm
    Largeur 15 mm
    Profondeur 6,5 mm
  • Plus de détails produit
    • Support de stockage amovible et très petit, idéal pour augmenter la capacité
    • Avec capuchon
    • Convient spécialement comme mémoire USB ou pour agrandir la capacité mémoire des notebooks
    • Des données peuvent y être écrites et effacées aussi souvent que souhaité
    • Compatible avec les appareils dotés d'une interface USB
    • Convient également comme petit support de stockage pour l´autoradio doté d´un emplacement USB, afin que vous ayez toujours votre musique préférée avec vous
    • Le modèle compact fait que la clé insérée dans l´interface USB est à peine visible et qu´elle peut rester dans l´autoradio
    • Il suffit de mettre votre chanson préférée sur la clé USB et vous pourrez l´écouter lors de vos déplacements
  • Contenu de la boite
    • 1 clé USB 2.0 "Smartly"
  • Configuration minimale requise
    • Systèmes d´exploitation : Windows 11/10/8/7/Vista/XP et MacOS 9.0 ou ultérieur
  • Information des consommateurs

    Mode d´emploi de la clé USB "Smartly" dans sous la réf. 00108044.

  • Garantie
    Hama GmbH & Co KG provides the following manufacturer’s warranty on the workmanship and materials used for the product 00108044 Clé USB "Smartly",USB 2.0, 32 GB, 10MB/s, noir: 2 ans de garantie
    This warranty begins on the date of purchase of this Hama product and is valid throughout the EU.
    If material or manufacturing faults that are considered to constitute a warranty claim occur during the warranty period, Hama GmbH & Co KG will resolve the fault free of charge by repairing the goods or replacing them a product that Hama GmbH & Co KG deems to be equivalent.
    The warranty we provide is in addition to the statutory rights to a warranty free of charge, for which any claim must be directed to the seller of your product.
    Likewise, any statutory rights you have to a warranty free of charge from us remain unaffected by this warranty promise.

    In the event of a warranty claim, you must send the Hama product along with proof of purchase in original form with postage and freight costs paid to the following address:

    Hama GmbH & Co KG
    Dresdner Str. 9
    86653 Monheim

    We would ask you to appreciate that Hama GmbH & Co KG may reject the
    warranty claim if the proof of purchase is not provided, because this proof is used to calculate the warranty period.

    Exceptions from the warranty are damages caused by the use of force, improper use, normal wear and tear, the effect of exposure to chemicals or force majeure, as well as interference or repairs by the customer or third parties, without prior written consent from Hama GmbH & Co. KG.

    Furthermore, this warranty does not cover accessories that are not included with the product as standard (promotional parts)..

    Nor will Hama be held liable for damage, modifications or losses of any kind due to improper installation or use, use of third-party devices or system problems. This warranty excludes any and all software from third parties, connected third-party devices and stored data. Hama is not liable for other costs that are incurred while determining the cause of system problems.

    The warranty is valid only for non-commercial users of our product.

    Damages that are not covered by this warranty may be fixed against the cost of the repairs, either by the dealer that sold you the product or by Hama GmbH & Co KG.

    Hama GmbH & Co KG, Dresdner Str. 9, 86653 Monheim, 2022


Notices d’utilisation
